What do you mean, "groupie"?
And here he is! Champion figure skater and god to weirdos everywhere, Johnny Weir, signing my ice skate!
I see absolutely nothing "groupie-ish" about driving four hours just to spend two minutes with Johnny Weir. I don't know what you're talking about. Please take your bizarre ideas elsewhere.
My favorite photo is of Johnny and my husband posing with their arms around each other, copping feels of each other's taut little man-waists. Delish! ...What?!... As I said, please take your scandalous thoughts elsewhere. Like to Facebook, maybe. This is a nice, clean blog.
ANYWAY. These skates don't fit, so I'm donating them to the Trevor Project for a celebrity memorabilia auction. But I'm keeping my other skates, which Johnny also signed. And the two copies of his memoir that we bought, which he also signed. And my breasts, which my husband suggested that I also ask Johnny to sign. But no. As stated previously, I'm not a groupie.