Thursday, March 15, 2007

Foot in Mouth Disease

So far my engagement ring has triggered two attacks of foot-in-mouth disease. I don't mean the kind of foot-in-mouth that afflicts cattle and is treated by veterinarians. I mean the kind that afflicts me, making me wildly embarrassed, and is apparently untreatable. Here's how this works: I run into someone who either does not know I'm engaged or hasn't seen the ring, and I have to explain the ring to them, because for some reason people are confused by engagement rings that fail to conform to the platinum/diamond solitaire expectation. It's like so:

My interlocutor: Oh! A, uh, a blue stone! That's really pretty! So does that mean you're engaged? And is that a, uh, what is that?
Me: It's a sapphire. It was made in a lab, and the gold is recycled--he had the ring made by this hippy outfit that's all environmental, so nothing's mined.
My interlocutor: Oh. And those are little diamonds?
Me: No, they're moissanites, which we got because I object to diamonds.
My interlocutor: Oh.

It is at this point that I notice that my interlocutor is wearing a diamond ring. Why it does not occur to me to glance at her finger before opening my big yap, I have no idea. And how I've managed to do this twice already--twice in the past week--is truly mystifying. Is there a support group for people with foot in mouth disease? Please can I join?


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