Saturday, January 16, 2010

Mother Earth Bitch-Slaps Pat Robertson

Ok, we all know Pat Robertson is an idiot. We all know that this moron thinks the all-knowing, infinitely loving architect of the entire universe--the god who breathed life into us all, etc.--is a petty-minded freak who's stuck in junior high school: "Omigod, some Haitians made a deal with the Devil instead of with me?!? Those BITCHES! I am SO gonna kick their ASS!"*

But let's not argue with him like rational people. You might as well argue with a bag of cat litter.

Instead, let's go right into his world view: ok, God protects people who make deals with God, and slaughters people who make deals with Satan. Christians = yay; infidels = must die!! Ok then. So, Pat... explain this: Why is it that during the Asian tsunami in 2004 the Indonesian tribe that had converted to Christianity was decimated, while the tribes that had kept their traditional earth-based religions got messages from their gods telling them to move to high ground before the tsunami arrived, and survived?!? Yep--the Onge, Sentinelese, Jawaras, Great Andamanese and Shompen tribes survived the tsunami without a single loss of life. The Christian Nicobarese? Not so much.

Pat? Pat? Any explanation?...Pat?... Where'd you go?

* "Or wait, no--I'll just chill for two hundred years, and then I'll kick their great-great-great-grandkids' ass! YEEEAAAAAHHH!" - God (according to Pat Robertson)


Anonymous LD said...

1:30 AM  
Anonymous Kim said...

Fantastic, Daleth!!! Did not know about those tribes... And totally agree that he & many others fit the desciption of "petty-minded freak who's stuck in junior high". Amen.

9:01 AM  

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