Friday, February 10, 2006

Match Point

We got home from the new Woody Allen movie half an hour ago and I'm still jittery. Match Point may be the best suspense movie I've ever seen, and I'm speaking as someone who started watching Hitchcock when I was six years old. This movie has nothing to do with cheesy Hollywood suspense, no cheap thrills, no gore. Instead it's excruciating: a quiet, relentless build-up of evil slithering beneath a surface of perfect calm. There were moments whose unfolding was so stressful to watch that all three of us were actually talking out loud to the characters ("Oh no! God! Don't!") as we sat there in the theater. It's based on Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment, and part of the reason it's so good is that you realize quite early that no morally satisfying ending is possible: the only question you can have is whose lives are going to be destroyed, and the great discomfort of the movie is that quite often you find yourself completely understanding, even rooting for, the evil character.

I'm not going to say anything more specific because I don't want to spoil it for anyone. But if you enjoy movies so emotionally intense that your stomach hurts for ten minutes after the credits roll--and hurts enough to make you double over and swear a couple of times, laughing in amazement as you do so--then go see this immediately. Who knew Woody Allen could pull off this kind of movie? My hat's off to the man. It's off because it fell off when I doubled over in pain.

Highly recommended, except for those with ulcers or heart problems. I would advise seeing it with someone and having dinner afterwards, so that you don't spend the rest of the evening being spooked out all by yourself.


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